Released in 1984 Ride the Lightning was one of Metallicas most influential. Hal Leonard gives you the matching folio to Metallicas second album Ride The Lightning. With its huge wall of buzz saw guitars, “Ride” is one of the heaviest songs on one of Metallica’s heaviest albums, and it features a solo by Kirk Hammett that begins melodic and slow. Metallica: Ride The Lightning: Guitar TAB: Album Songbook. The album’s namesake, “Ride the Lightning,” is sung from the point of view of a death row inmate scheduled for a trip to the electric chair, lamenting his fate and the current state of the justice system. Metallica: Ride The Lightning Guitar Tab Songbook Hal Leonard gives you the matching folio to Metallicas second album Ride The Lightning Transcription. It maintained the feverish psychosis of Kill ‘Em All, but hinted at the more progressive, extended metal jams that the band would become famous for. (to Chorus) 10 RIDE THE LIGHTNING Words & Music by James Hetfield, Lars. Ride the Lightning, Metallica’s second studio album, is now considered one of the most influential thrash metal albums of all time, but when it was released in late July of 1984, it was just the tenacious and relentless new album from speed mongers Metallica. Metallica Ride the Lightning for Guitar Tab Sheet Music Metal Rock Songs Book.